Abajo, Un documental del fotógrafo del
Los Angeles Times sobre la vida, después del ataque a Fallujah del Cabo James Blake Miller.
"My nightmares revolve around a lot of faces, a recurring
dream is me looking down the rifle and knowing that i'm
about to pull the trigger on that person. It's an insane
connection you make with that person at that point. To see
somebody in your sights and to pull the trigger it's
almost like you're there with him seeing their life flash
before their eyes as well as taking it.
Waking up from a dream, one of the really bad ones, i look
at it in only one way and that's that i'm glad that i'm
still here confused as to why i'm still here and why
other people aren't. Any day above ground is a good one.
there is no promise of tomorrow...
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